COUNTDOWN Studi sulla crisi
Stamatis G. - Some remarks upon the article of Alan Freeman «Marx without equilibrium»
Stamatis Georg - Some remarks upon the article of Alan Freeman «Marx without equilibrium»
Stamatis G. - On the Position and the Slope of the w-r-Curve
Stamatis Georg - On the Position and the Slope of the w-r-Curve
Stamatis G. - On the neoricardian interpretation of profit
Stamatis Georg - On the neoricardian interpretation of profit
Khanin G. - The Soviet Economy
Khanin Grigorii - The Soviet Economy From Crisis to Catastrophe
Stockhammer E. - Rising inequality as a cause of the present crisis
Stockhammer Engelbert - Rising inequality as a cause of the present crisis
Dunn B. - Myths of globalisation and the new economy
Dunn Bill - Myths of globalisation and the new economy
Pagina 22 di 27