COUNTDOWN Studi sulla crisi
Giussani P. - 150 ANNI DI SOLITUDINE
Giussani Paolo - 150 ANNI DI SOLITUDINE Il Manifesto del Partito Comunista di Marx ed Engels considerato oggi, 1998
Marglin S. Bhaduri A. - Profit squeeze and keynesian Theory
Marglin Stephen Bhaduri Amit - Profit squeeze and keynesian Theory
Kohler K. Stockhammer E. - Growing differently?
Kohler Karsten Stockhammer Engelbert - Growing differently? Financial cycles, austerity, and competitiveness in growth models since the Global Financial Crisis
OTC derivatives statistics at end December 2019
Statistical release: OTC derivatives statistics at end December 2019
Bina C. - Iran’s Oil
Bina Cyrus - Iran’s Oil, the Theory of Rent, and the Long Shadow of History: A Caveat on Oil Contracts in the Islamic Republic
Biais B. Woolley P. - High Frequency Trading
Biais Bruno Woolley Paul - High Frequency Trading
Lalbat B. - Taux de profit et composition organique du capital des GAFAM
Lalbat Benjamin - Taux de profit et composition organique du capital des GAFAM
Giussani P. - L‟indebitamento del settore finanziario americano
Giussani P. - L‟indebitamento del settore finanziario americano, giugno 2004
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