COUNTDOWN Studi sulla crisi
Dic Lo - The Political Economy of China’s “New Normal”
Yin Li, Lazonick William- China’s Development Path: Government, Business, and Globalization in an Innovating Economy
Wei Hu Helen, Xu Dean - Manager or Politician? Effects of CEO Pay on the Performance of State-Controlled Chinese Listed Firms
Moos Katherine A., Hao Qi - How Neoliberal Is China’s Welfare State? Comparing the Chinese and US Net Social Wage 1992-2017
Hao Qi - Dynamics of the Rate of Surplus Value and the “New Normal” of the Chinese Economy
Zhang Yu Zhao Feng - The Rate of Surplus Value, the Composition of Capital, and the Rate of Profit in the Chinese Manufacturing Industry: 1978-2004
Peltier Christine - La Chine rattrapée par sa dette
Gaulard Miléne - L’évolution du marché del’immobilier chinois, un révélateur des difficultés rencontrées par les collectivités locales
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