COUNTDOWN Studi sulla crisi
Lazonick William - The Curse of Stock Buybacks
Gould Elise - State of Working America Wages 2018 Wage inequality marches on and is even threatening data reliability
Mohun Simon - Class Structure and the US Personal Income Distribution 1918-2011
Evans Trevor - The crisis of finance-led capitalism in the United States of America
Lazonick William - Profits Without Prosperity: How Stock Buybacks Manipulate the Market and Leave Most Americans Worse Off
ManiatisThanasis - The net social wage in Greece 1958-95
Maniatis Thanasis - Workers’ taxes, social benefits and the fiscal crisis in Southern Europe
Fazeli Reza Fazeli Rafat - The Welfare State and Social Wage: Sweden as A Leading Nordic Social Market
Desai Radhika Freeman Alan - Brexit, the City and the crisis of conservatism
Toussaint E., Tombazos S., Saurin P., Husson M. - Que faire des banques?
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