COUNTDOWN Studi sulla crisi
Starosta G. - Global Commodity Chains
Starosta Guido - Global Commodity Chains and the Marxian Law of Value
Slobodianyk A, Abuselidze G. - Influence of speculative operations
Slobodianyk Anna, Abuselidze George - Influence of speculative operations on the investment capital: An empirical analysis of capital markets
Moody's Outlook - Supply-Chain Stress Grows, But Relief Is Coming
Moody's Outlook - Supply-Chain Stress Grows, But Relief Is Coming
Tsing A. - Supply Chains and the Human Condition
Tsing Anna - Supply Chains and the Human Condition
Lapavitsas C. - Financialisation in developing countries
Lapavitsa Costas Soydan Aylin - Financialisation in developing countries: approaches, concepts, and metrics
Basu, D. - World Profit Rates, 1960-2019
Basu, Huato, Jauregui, Wasner - World Profit Rates, 1960-2019
Wicab,O. - Las criptomonedas
Wicab, Omar - Las criptomonedas,son realmente dinero? Una perspectiva marxista sobre las monedas digitales y el bitcoin
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